Sunday, February 16, 2014

Article: The Dawn of the Age of Artificial Intelligence

While a lot of expectations were on AI for the longest time since 2000, it is only now that we are really seeing the applications of this promising technology. 

Article: The 'Internet Of Things' Will Be Bigger Than The Smartphone, Tablet, And PC Markets Combined

There continues to be a lot of buzz around the internet of things. A report outlining the potential for such applications in the tech world talks about taking things to a different level since it could be more than both mobile and PC combined...

The 'Internet Of Things' Will Be Bigger Than The Smartphone, Tablet, And PC Markets Combined

Saturday, February 15, 2014


As the bubble around the Bitcoin phenomena grows, some really good reading articles that debates why this "Platform" could go despite the validity of the actual eCurrency...

Friday, February 07, 2014