Saturday, December 14, 2013

Article: How Facebook's New Machine Brain Will Learn All About You From Your Photos

An amazing effort to have FB embrace AI ...
How Facebook's New Machine Brain Will Learn All About You From Your Photos

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Article: IFTTT adds a location channel for its iOS app

A feature long missing...
IFTTT adds a location channel for its iOS app

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Article: 3D print extra-tall models with the Deltaprintr

With 3D printing catching steam, another printer that can be used in the practical world of today's day to day scenarios.. 
3D print extra-tall models with the Deltaprintr

Monday, December 09, 2013

Article: Top 10 Predictions for Technology in 2014

Some wishful tech world predictions for the year 2014. We sure hope at least some of these become a reality..

Top 10 Predictions for Technology in 2014

Shared from Technology on Flipboard. Download Flipboard for free here.

Friday, December 06, 2013

Hacker Makes Drone to Hijack Other Drones

Sounds like zombie stuff straight from a Sci fi movie but after Jeff Bezos talking about possibility of
drones delivering packages, there are others who have already punched holes in this idea through kidnapper drones...

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Article: How LinkedIn is evolving its media business

Interesting to know what LinkedIn could do next in terms of a business model.
How LinkedIn is evolving its media business

Shared from Technology on Flipboard. Download Flipboard for free here.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

How Facebook Went Mobile, In Before And After Org Charts

An interesting insight into how Facebook transformed into a strong mobile force. From being a website that also ran on the mobile, reorg to a mobile first company was interesting..

Article: Fragmentation lives: iOS 7 now on 74% of iPhones, while KitKat has only reached 1% of Android devices

An interesting percentage split over the adoption of latest OS versions.
Fragmentation lives: iOS 7 now on 74% of iPhones, while KitKat has only reached 1% of Android devices

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

10 Excellent Platforms for Building Mobile Apps

Found a list of platforms that are really efficient in creating Mobile applications..

Monday, December 02, 2013

Smartphones: The Tech Guru Gift Guide

For those getting confused about what Smartphone to buy or gift, here is a nice decision
tree mechanism. 

Friday, November 29, 2013

What Tech CEOs Are Thankful for This Holiday

Wishing all my friends a very Happy Thanks giving. During this time of the year, CEOs of top technology companies are thankful for a lot of things. A small snippet of what each of the top
CEOs are currently thinking is at the below link

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Python Displacing R As The Programming Language For Data Science

For those who have worked or learnt Statistical programming languages/ packages, R has been pretty popular. Now a new breed of apps using Python for data science applications is coming up.

Military's Driverless Vehicle Plans Languish Amid Technology Woes

An ambitious project in the US Army, to get driverless cars working is caught in glitches..
With a similar project much ahead in the UK, all eyes will be on the next 2 yrs to get this technology on the road. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How Google Shrank Android For Version 4.4 KitKat

An interesting article on how the Google developers worked on making their OS slimmer and faster.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Top 10 Tech This Week

Some really nice technologies as 10 cool apps/ platforms debut. Now technologies gets into your dreams, under your skin and a lot more.. 

10 predictions from Gartner that will shape our life in the coming years...Some of them are already taking shape. Others are surely making an impact on enterprise roadmaps..

Friday, November 22, 2013

Google Paradise

Another evidence why Google is so good at what they do..They went to extremes usual companies would not even dream of.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Gates should come back - Charles Schwab

Given the leadership, technical foresight and aura that are all a trademark of Bill Gates, it is logical for a call from Charles Schwab to call him back at the realm. Granted that a lot of Bill Gates' predictions have not come right as well, BUT he remains one of the most charismatic and well respected figures in the technology world...I personally feel he may not be able to bring about the transformation that Microsoft desperately needs at this point but then this one is open to discussion.!