With Microsoft skipping the Windows 9 name, probably to distance itself from the Windows 8 uptake, expectations are high that they are up to something bigger and better.
While a lot has been said and written on the merits of Positive thinking, I found a very good article on the merits of Positive thinking in this article on the Next Web.
Apart from the usual, the merits of positive thinking, in my opinion, allows the brain to think in a multidimensional way, paving the path for innovation. If you continue to work in a silo, the brain behaves in the "secure thy self" mode which hinders constructive growth.
The Internet of Things Is the Hackers' New Playground
Along with a lot of updates that the IoT is the next big thing in the industry, there are concerns around the security of these things. Hackers are finding vulnerabilities in these and beginning exploitation.
As the world explodes with new age developers and brimming energies for using emerging technologies there is a need to harness this limitless energy into useful platforms and methodologies...
It is only a matter of time before this science fiction like headline will become a reality. We already have simulated the human brain like capability in labs and POCs. Time now to take it to the next level..
Looking at the latest F8 conference updates, looks like FB
has finally come off age as a company understanding the Mobile ecosystem.
If you look at the announcements in the
Move to develop their own mobile advertising
Audience Network
Committing to two-year API stability for its
core developer platforms
Handful of other improvements such as anonymous
log-in that lets consumers try an app before having to fork over their personal
info and deep linking.
Doesn’t look like it is doing an OS or any
Mobile Phone yet, but its strategic moves in the past couple of yrs should make
people, sit up and take notice. They had missed the boat early but have caught
up I think. They could serve as a bridge between the AAPL and GOOG ecosystem.