After so much activity and discussions around Eddystone, some simple thoughts around how it has made significant changes in the IOT landscape :
- IOS , Android and more ....
Given that folks have been playing around the iBeacon spec and Beacons from Estimotes, Motorola etc for a while, it is a well known fact that the current landscape is more aligned towards the iOS users. Given that a little over two third of the world's users use Android, this had to be corrected...Eddystone gets us there
- No App...That's fine
With Beacons, the users had to be using your application to make it really effective. Now with Eddystone, there can be URLs that can be broadcasted which do not need your apps to be installed. You can use Eddystone to send a link to your visitors to your application on the App store or something similar and also feature current promotions
- Context Galore
With Eddystone, there is also a Telemetry option which allows broadcast sensor - driven data on the beacon's state and the environment around it. Data can be used to control factors around specific parameters. Different actions can be triggered based on the changes in environmental and weather conditions. Warehouse, Hotel conditions, Collecting weather factors, Notifications to preferred customers etc are just some of the huge applciations which can be used.
- Proximity factor
Using Eddystone URL, merchants can push URLs linked to their content, web page or personalized content system to patrons who do not have their applications installed. That way, folks near shopping centers or malls can receive notifications about the merchant offers and have context around that data,