Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Beacon issues

As the argument rages on about what is the best way to reach out mobile shoppers through their devices, the most obvious answer seems to be the Beacon strategy that has been used immediately.
Having said that, there are areas that need to be carefully considered before a blanket solution is proposed. The article talks about some of the challenges that come alongwith a Beacon strategy.

As we see Beacon proliferation, we will need to look at fine tuning this strategy to come up with an effective final solution.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


After so much activity and discussions around Eddystone, some simple thoughts around how it has made significant changes in the IOT landscape :

  • IOS , Android and more ....
Given that folks have been playing around the iBeacon spec and Beacons from Estimotes, Motorola etc for a while, it is a well known fact that the current landscape is more aligned towards the iOS users. Given that a little over two third of the world's users use Android, this had to be corrected...Eddystone gets us there

  • No App...That's fine
With Beacons, the users had to be using your application to make it really effective. Now with Eddystone, there can be URLs that can be broadcasted which do not need your apps to be installed. You can use Eddystone to send a link to your visitors to your application on the App store or something similar and also feature current promotions

  • Context Galore
With Eddystone, there is also a Telemetry option which allows broadcast sensor - driven data on the beacon's state and the environment around it. Data can be used to control factors around specific parameters. Different actions can be triggered based on the changes in environmental and weather conditions. Warehouse, Hotel conditions, Collecting weather factors, Notifications to preferred customers etc are just some of the huge applciations which can be used. 

  • Proximity factor
Using Eddystone URL, merchants can push URLs linked to their content, web page or personalized content system to patrons who do not have their applications installed. That way, folks near shopping centers or malls can receive notifications about the merchant offers and have context around that data, 

Hyperloop discussion

Based on the Hyperloop discussion by Mr Elon Musk, efforts are on for a transportation system that "would whisk travelers between cities at speeds topping 760 miles per hour. Passengers would ride inside pods shooting through a network of low-pressure tubes, with the pods surfing electromagnetic pulses rather than carrying engines of their own.".

While this system sounds extremely enticing for folks who have dreamt about getting to workplaces quicker, there are several challenges that will need to be addressed before it becomes "production" grade.

The initial design seems to be over simplified for such a complex system. Some of the challenges include
  • Seismic factors
In areas like San Francisco and Los Angeles, that are sitting on top of a potential seismic activity zone, the design of such a transportation mode which would sit as a welded steel tube on top of concrete pillars with dampers will have its own challenges.
  • More connections for Pylon
Currently the transportation system is just kept as a sort of tube that is hug from a Pylon but there has to be some sort of a connection to keep it from sliding off the side of the pylon. 
  • System Communications
This system will require some sort of tracking system of where each capsule was along the route.  A web of substations, communication centers will be needed 
  • Thermal Expansion

The current design claims that no expansion joints are needed because “tube is not rigidly fixed at any point” and uses “dampers” instead. But simple calculations show damper attachment to each pylon would not allow for the kind of movement that will happen.

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Tesla considers its own autonomous ride-sharing business

Advait Kulkarni
shared the story, Tesla considers its own autonomous ride-sharing business, with you on Flipboard.
Tesla considers its own autonomous ride-sharing business
Tesla considers its own autonomous ride-sharing business The best music often comes from the notes left unplayed, and so it was with the Tesla Motors Q2 earnings call with financial analysts this week. While w... read more
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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Comparison between c#, RoR, Python and Java

I was looking for a good comparison of the 4 side by side and found this interesting spreadsheet that someone had prepared. Still a WIP but thought was interesting

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Google photos

Since the time the announcement for using Google photis has come out, have been following the tech  that goes into making it so extensible.. Following are the nice features in it

Javascript framework comparison

Having been following several JS frameworks in the works implementing some of the needs of our clients, this is a good article talking about a comparison helping choosing of the right framework for use:

Thursday, June 11, 2015

UI Developer must haves

A nice article on the attributes that are needed for a Front end developer :

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Observer Design Pattern with ASP.NET 5 and Entity Framework

A very good article on how to use the Observer pattern using ASP.NET 5 and Entity framework implementing the Visitor Design pattern in real life software scenario :

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Python or R?

With so much work going on in the field of Data Science, the logical questions that most new entrants ask is when do we use R and when is Python effective. Here is a simple article that tries to tackle this question :

Friday, June 05, 2015

Why companies build their own languages

A very good article on why companies like Google and Apple came out with their own programming languages :

10 healthcare innovations

There are several startups in the healthcare space that will disrupt the way healthcare is handled today. A pick of the top 10 companies is below :

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Long live Yahoo Pipes

Once a cornerstone in the history of the internet and a very useful Yahoo feature , Pipes will  now be shut down as per the latest report from Yahoo by August end.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

New tools for Apple Watch

As the anxiety for the Apple week grows, here's some insight into what to expect from the Big A in their conference this week:

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Android way ahead in its game

From the Google I/O conference this year, it was clear that whether it be IOT or Mobility or contextual Machine learning or AR, Google is way ahead of its game:

List of IOS Features, Release dates and Wish list

With everybody waiting eagerly for the new features in the latest version of IOS and the dates around it, following is a good article that summarizes the important aspects..

Article: Everything you need to know from Google I/O 2015

Everything you need to know from Google I/O 2015 • It was tough to keep track of everything that was unveiled at Google I/O 2015, the company's annual developer conference. Between the launch of Android Pay, unlimited free storage on Photos and the VR field trips offered through Expeditions, Google shared plenty of new developments on Thursday.

To …


A really good illustration of Azure + Data visualization

One of the major issues that people who want to get started with "Data Science" or "Big Data Analytics" face is finding datasets that are both compelling and diverse enough to provide a useful playground for exploration. In this article, Ted Mallone shows how to accomplish this using an available data set.